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     Liana fought the good fight. 

She finished the race set before her, looking to Jesus

Liana kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4:7, Romans 12:1




Friday, July 19, 2024

Our dear, precious friend has entered into her heavenly glory. Our hearts are heavy with grief, because she leaves behind a great void. Even in our sorrow, we are thankful to God, whose infinite love has made a way for us to spend eternity with Him. We do not grieve as those without hope (I Thessalonians 4:13)! Liana, we will see you again. 

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July 13, 2024

As Liana continues to fight her battle, we continue to fight for her in the only way we know how, continuing to rally together to ease any financial burden she and her family might be facing. While we don't know or understand why God allows these obstacles in life, what we do know is that when He calls us to do something to glorify Him, we listen. Thank you for your faithful prayers, calls, cards, meals and generous fits. Lance and Liana continue to feel loved and cared for by our wonderful community. 


A fundraising dinner is planned for Thursday, September 26, 2024. Please see the Events page for more information. 





Monday, July 8, 2024

Liana has been admitted to hospice to aid in pain management. As late, she has been in excruciating amounts of pain. The first found of chemo has really taken a toll on her body. Despite her pain and suffering, she remains strong in her faith. We continue to pray for a miracle.


June 2024

Liana began chemo treatments under the care of Duke Cancer Center, making two trips to North Carolina. Her following treatments have been administered locally so she can remain at home with her family. Liana's faith is strong and she continues to praise and trust her Heavenly Father.


May 14, 2024

Liana is on her way to Duke University in North Carolina where her brother is a doctor. He is going to help her get a second opinion and hopefully accomplish two objectives: 1) Provide relief for the belly distention and 2) In the hopes that all the work at Envita has shrunk the tumor enough to have it removed at Duke. Liana's brother has a friend who is an oncologist at Duke. Envita provides state of the art specialized infusions that can shrink tumors into nothing, but they do not provide surgery. Please continue to pray with us for the healing of Liana's body and that there will be continued answers and care at Duke. Thank you!


April 29, 2024

Praise God!!! Liana is home! She has officially completed her second round of treatment which included the cyber-knife procedure on the mass in her brain. She will undergo remote treatment from home for a period of time while her care team accesses the next steps. In the meantime, we continue to pray for her complete healing and raise funds for future treatments and family support. â€‹â€‹


March 23, 2024

Liana is finishing the first 7 weeks of the highly targeted genetic cancer treatment at Envita. Each 7 week treatment can cost anywhere from $84,000 to $145,000. Her food and housing have been generously covered by a family member who lives 10 minutes from the Envita clinic, thus, anything you give will go directly to her treatment costs. Her first 7 week treatment has been covered thanks to our generous community! At the conclusion of this first 7 weeks, Liana's cancer numbers are down. Liana has the opportunity to come home and be with her family for a week and celebrate Easter. She will then be returning to Envita to complete another full, 7 week round of treatment. Liana continues to trust the Lord and communicates that she feels the prayers of us all and is so humbled by the loving care and support of everyone rallying around her family during this difficult time. Liana recently shared this quote from a book she is reading:


"The intimacy that exists between soul and body is a marvel of creation and a mystery of human existence. Yet we do wrong to think, because the soul will be judged after death while the body crumbles in the grave, that this mortal handful of dust is any less a gift of God, any less noble or beautiful than the immortal soul. It is in the body that we exist and work out our salvation. It is in the body that we see and take delight in the beauties of God's created universe, and in the body that we ourselves bear the marks of Christ's passion. The mysterious interplay of body and soul is an essential characteristic of our human nature. If the body is sick or sore, tired or hungry or otherwise distressed, it affects the spirit, affects our judgement, changes our personality. So slight a thing as a headache can affect our relations with those around us. It is through the body that we express and experience love and kindness and comfort..."

                                                                                                                        Walter, J Ciszek, S.J., He Leadeth Me


Liana will be at the Artesia Public Library on March 25, 2024 at 4 pm for a book signing where she will also read a portion of her novel. 


February 25, 2024

As of February 15, Liana had the specialized genetic treatment placed directly in her body to begin fighting the cancer. Some people have very adverse reactions to this and our prayers have been answered as Liana has not had any major symptoms. Praise God! Please continue to pray with us for Liana's healing. We know that God is capable of anything and we are asking for the complete restoration of Liana's body. Thank you and God bless!

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